
Python Syntax

Loop in general is not supported due to complex data flow analysis needed. It could be supported in the future after I have some sort of idea how people are doing it. Loop includes For, While and recursive call

Import is not supported yet, though it’s likely to be supported in the future since it’s not that difficult.

All comprehensions are not supported.

Python data structure (list, set, tuple, dict) is supported in inference system, but it’s not supported when it’s used as a constraint, e.g. checking len() or testing membership.

Exceptions is not supported now and will simply get ignored. In the future, Klara will be able to generate inputs to trigger exceptions, with contract support.


If the return value doesn’t understand by Klara (e.g. multiply a list with z3 variable, which is possible in python context, but invalid in Z3 context), it will yield a special node called uninferable. Even though the value can’t be determined, but it will still contain bound conditions. Consider following:

def foo(v1: int):
    return 3 if v1 > 2 else xxx

The function can return the number 3, or the invalid variable xxx. Even though we can’t determine the value of xxx, it will still contain the bound: not(v1 > 2), so Klara still be able to generate 2 test cases for this function, using is not None as test.:

def test_foo_0():
    assert foo(3) == 3
    assert foo(0) is not None

There will be a lot of undocumented cases of uninferable that doesn’t contain the expected bound. One example is where binary operation with list, the bound for the element of the list will not include in the uninferable result. E.g.:

def foo(v1: int, v2: int):
    a = 1 if v1 > 3 else 2
    b = 3 if v2 > 3 else 4
    return [a, b] * xxx

Because [a, b] * v1 will be uninferable since xxx is undefined, this test case will not yield any test inputs, even though the list: [a, b] will have 4 combinations in total. This is because the xxx of binop: [a, b] * xxx is uninferable, the left hand side operand will not get expanded.